<< 1 Kings 13 34 >>



  • 1 Kings 15 29-1 Kings 15 30
    When Baasha became king, he struck down the entire house of Jeroboam. He did not leave Jeroboam any survivors but destroyed his family according to the word of the Lord He had spoken through His servant Ahijah the Shilonite.This was because Jeroboam had provoked the Lord God of Israel by the sins he had committed and had caused Israel to commit.
  • 1 Kings 12 30
    This led to sin; the people walked in procession before one of the calves all the way to Dan.
  • 1 Kings 14 10
    Because of all this, I am about to bring disaster on the house of Jeroboam: I will eliminate all of Jeroboam’s males, both slave and free, in Israel; I will sweep away the house of Jeroboam as one sweeps away dung until it is all gone!
  • 2 Kings 17 21
    When the Lord tore Israel from the house of David, Israel made Jeroboam son of Nebat king. Then Jeroboam led Israel away from following the Lord and caused them to commit great sin.
  • 1 Kings 12 26
    Jeroboam said to himself,“ The way things are going now, the kingdom might return to the house of David.
  • 2 Kings 10 31
    Yet Jehu was not careful to follow the instruction of the Lord God of Israel with all his heart. He did not turn from the sins that Jeroboam had caused Israel to commit.
  • Proverbs 13:6
    Righteousness guards people of integrity, but wickedness undermines the sinner.