<< 1 Kings 2 45 >>



  • Proverbs 25:5
    Remove ungodly officials from where the king is. Then the king can make his throne secure because of the godliness around him.
  • 1 Kings 2 24
    The Lord has made my position as king secure. I’m sitting on the throne of my father David. The Lord has built a royal house for me, just as he promised. You can be sure that the Lord lives. And you can be just as sure that Adonijah will be put to death today.”
  • 1 Kings 2 33-1 Kings 2 34
    May Joab and his children after him be held forever accountable for spilling the blood of Abner and Amasa. But may David and his children after him enjoy the Lord’ s peace and rest forever. May the Lord also give his peace to David’s royal house and kingdom forever.”So Benaiah, the son of Jehoiada, went up to the Lord’ s tent. There he struck down Joab. And he killed him. Joab was buried at his home out in the country.
  • Isaiah 9:6-7
    A child will be born to us. A son will be given to us. He will rule over us. And he will be called Wonderful Adviser and Mighty God. He will also be called Father Who Lives Forever and Prince Who Brings Peace.There will be no limit to how great his authority is. The peace he brings will never end. He will rule on David’s throne and over his kingdom. He will make the kingdom strong and secure. His rule will be based on what is fair and right. It will last forever. The Lord’ s great love will make sure that happens. He rules over all.
  • Psalms 72:17
    May the king’s name be remembered forever. May his fame last as long as the sun shines. Then all nations will be blessed because of him. They will call him blessed.
  • Psalms 21:6
    You have given him blessings that will never end. You have made him glad and joyful because you are with him.
  • 2 Samuel 7 13
    He is the one who will build a house where I will put my Name. I will set up the throne of his kingdom. It will last forever.