<< 1 Kings 4 29 >>



  • 1 Kings 3 12
    I will give it to you. I will give you a wise and understanding heart. So here is what will be true of you. There has never been anyone like you. And there never will be.
  • 1 Kings 4 20
    There were many people in Judah and Israel. In fact, they were as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. They ate, drank and were happy.
  • James 1:5
    If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn’t find fault.
  • 1 Kings 3 28
    All the Israelites heard about the decision the king had given. That gave them great respect for him. They saw that God had given him wisdom. They knew that Solomon would do what was right and fair when he judged people.
  • James 3:17
    But the wisdom that comes from heaven is pure. That’s the most important thing about it. And that’s not all. It also loves peace. It thinks about others. It obeys. It is full of mercy and good fruit. It is fair. It doesn’t pretend to be what it is not.
  • 2 Chronicles 1 10-2 Chronicles 1 12
    Give me wisdom and knowledge. Then I’ll be able to lead these people. Without your help, who would be able to rule this great nation of yours?”God said to Solomon,“ I am glad that those are the things you really want. You have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor. You have not even asked to have your enemies killed. You have not asked to live for a long time. Instead, you have asked for wisdom and knowledge. You want to be able to rule my people wisely. I have made you king over them.So wisdom and knowledge will be given to you. I will also give you wealth, possessions and honor. You will have more than any king before you ever had. And no king after you will have as much.”
  • Isaiah 60:5
    Then your face will glow with joy. Your heart will beat fast because you are so happy. Wealth from across the ocean will be brought to you. The riches of the nations will come to you.
  • Proverbs 2:6
    The Lord gives wisdom. Knowledge and understanding come from his mouth.
  • 1 Kings 10 23-1 Kings 10 24
    King Solomon was richer than all the other kings on earth. He was also wiser than they were.People from the whole world wanted to meet Solomon in person. They wanted to see for themselves how wise God had made him.
  • James 1:17
    Every good and perfect gift is from God. This kind of gift comes down from the Father who created the heavenly lights. These lights create shadows that move. But the Father does not change like these shadows.
  • Psalms 119:34
    Help me understand your law so that I may follow it. I will obey it with all my heart.
  • Ecclesiastes 2:26
    God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness to the person who pleases him. But to a sinner he gives the task of gathering and storing up wealth. Then the sinner must hand it over to the one who pleases God. That doesn’t have any meaning either. It’s like chasing the wind.
  • Judges 7:12
    The Midianites had set up their camp in the valley. So had the Amalekites and all the other tribes from the east. There were so many of them that they looked like huge numbers of locusts. Like the grains of sand on the seashore, their camels couldn’t be counted.
  • Genesis 41:49
    Joseph stored up huge amounts of grain. There was as much of it as sand by the sea. There was so much grain it couldn’t be measured. So Joseph stopped keeping records of it.
  • Jeremiah 33:22
    Here is what I will do for my servant David. And here is what I will do for the Levites who serve me. I will make their children after them as many as the stars in the sky. And I will make them as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. It will be impossible to count them.”
  • Habakkuk 1:9
    All of them are ready and willing to destroy others. Their huge armies advance like a wind out of the desert. They gather prisoners like sand.
  • Ecclesiastes 1:16
    I said to myself,“ Look, I’ve now grown wiser than anyone who ruled over Jerusalem in the past. I have a lot of wisdom and knowledge.”