<< 2 Chronicles 6 12 >>



  • Isaiah 50:10
    Who is among you who fears the Lord, Who obeys the voice of His servant, Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.
  • Exodus 9:33
    So Moses left the city from his meeting with Pharaoh, and spread out his hands to the Lord; and the thunder and the hail stopped, and rain no longer poured on the earth.
  • Psalms 63:4
    So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name.
  • Psalms 143:6
    I spread out my hands to You; My soul longs for You, like a weary land. Selah
  • Job 11:13
    “ If you would direct your heart rightly And spread out your hands to Him,
  • 1 Kings 8 22-1 Kings 8 53
    Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in the presence of all the assembly of Israel, and he spread out his hands toward heaven.And he said,“ Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like You in heaven above or on earth beneath, keeping the covenant and showing faithfulness to Your servants who walk before You with all their heart,You who have kept with Your servant, my father David, that which You promised him; You have spoken with Your mouth and have fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day.Now then, Lord, God of Israel, keep with Your servant David my father that which You have promised him, saying,‘ You shall not be deprived of a man to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons are careful about their way, to walk before Me as you have walked.’Now then, God of Israel, let Your words, please, be confirmed, which You have spoken to Your servant, my father David.“ But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You, how much less this house which I have built!Nevertheless, turn Your attention to the prayer of Your servant and to his plea, Lord, my God, to listen to the cry and to the prayer which Your servant prays before You today,so that Your eyes may be open toward this house night and day, toward the place of which You have said,‘ My name shall be there,’ to listen to the prayer which Your servant will pray toward this place.And listen to the plea of Your servant and of Your people Israel, when they pray toward this place; hear in heaven Your dwelling place; hear and forgive!“ If a person sins against his neighbor and is compelled to take an oath of innocence, and he comes and takes an oath before Your altar in this house,then hear in heaven and act and judge Your servants, condemning the wicked by bringing his way on his own head, and acquitting the righteous by giving him according to his righteousness.“ When Your people Israel are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, if they turn to You again and confess Your name and pray and implore Your favor in this house,then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them back to the land which You gave their fathers.“ When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, and they pray toward this place and praise Your name, and turn from their sin when You afflict them,then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants and Your people Israel; indeed, teach them the good way in which they are to walk. And provide rain on Your land, which You have given to Your people as an inheritance.“ If there is a famine in the land, if there is a plague, if there is blight or mildew, locust or grasshopper, if their enemy harasses them in the land of their cities, whatever plague, whatever sickness there is,whatever prayer or plea is offered by any person or by all Your people Israel, each knowing the affliction of his own heart, and spreading his hands toward this house;then hear in heaven, Your dwelling place, and forgive and act, and give to each in accordance with all his ways, whose heart You know— for You alone know the hearts of all mankind—so that they will fear You all the days that they live on the land which You have given to our fathers.“ Also regarding the foreigner who is not of Your people Israel, when he comes from a far country on account of Your name( for they will hear of Your great name and Your mighty hand, and of Your outstretched arm); when he comes and prays toward this house,hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and act in accordance with all for which the foreigner calls to You, in order that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name, to fear You, as do Your people Israel, and that they may know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.“ When Your people go out to battle against their enemy, by whatever way You send them, and they pray to the Lord toward the city which You have chosen and the house which I have built for Your name,then hear in heaven their prayer and their pleading, and maintain their cause.“ When they sin against You( for there is no person who does not sin) and You are angry with them and turn them over to an enemy, so that they take them away captive to the land of the enemy, distant or near;if they take it to heart in the land where they have been taken captive, and repent and implore Your favor in the land of those who have taken them captive, saying,‘ We have sinned and done wrong, we have acted wickedly’;if they return to You with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies who have taken them captive, and pray to You toward their land which You have given to their fathers, the city which You have chosen, and the house which I have built for Your name;then hear their prayer and their pleading in heaven, Your dwelling place, and maintain their cause,and forgive Your people who have sinned against You and all their wrongdoings which they have committed against You, and make them objects of compassion before those who have taken them captive, so that they will have compassion on them( for they are Your people and Your inheritance which You have brought out of Egypt, from the midst of the iron furnace),so that Your eyes may be open to the pleading of Your servant and to the pleading of Your people Israel, to listen to them whenever they call to You.For You have singled them out from all the peoples of the earth as Your inheritance, just as You spoke through Moses Your servant, when You brought our fathers out of Egypt, Lord God.”
  • 2 Kings 11 14
    And she looked, and behold, the king was standing by the pillar according to the custom, with the captains and the trumpeters beside the king; and all the people of the land were joyful and were blowing trumpets. Then Athaliah tore her clothes and cried out,“ Conspiracy! Conspiracy!”
  • Psalms 29:1-2
    Ascribe to the Lord, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength.Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; Worship the Lord in holy attire.
  • Psalms 141:2
    May my prayer be counted as incense before You; The raising of my hands as the evening offering.
  • 2 Kings 23 3
    And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant before the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep His commandments, His provisions, and His statutes with all his heart and all his soul, to carry out the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people entered into the covenant.
  • Psalms 68:31
    Messengers will come from Egypt; Cush will quickly stretch out her hands to God.
  • 1 Timothy 2 8
    Therefore I want the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands, without anger and dispute.
  • Psalms 28:2
    Hear the sound of my pleadings when I cry to You for help, When I raise my hands toward Your holy sanctuary.