<< Exodus 9:12 >>



  • Exodus 4:21
    The Lord spoke to Moses. He said,“ When you return to Egypt, do all the amazing things I have given you the power to do. Do them in the sight of Pharaoh. But I will make him stubborn. He will not let the people go.
  • Exodus 7:13-14
    In spite of that, Pharaoh became stubborn. He wouldn’t listen to them, just as the Lord had said.Then the Lord said to Moses,“ Pharaoh is very stubborn. He refuses to let the people go.
  • Psalms 81:11-12
    “ But my people wouldn’t listen to me. Israel wouldn’t obey me.So I let them go their own stubborn way. I let them follow their own sinful plans.
  • Revelation 16:10-11
    The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast. The kingdom of the beast became very dark. People chewed on their tongues because they were suffering so much.They spoke evil things against the God of heaven. They did this because of their pains and their sores. But they refused to turn away from the sins they had committed.