<< Ezekiel 28:5 >>



  • Psalms 62:10
    Do not trust in what you can gain by oppression! Do not put false confidence in what you can gain by robbery! If wealth increases, do not become attached to it!
  • Psalms 52:7
    “ Look, here is the man who would not make God his protector! He trusted in his great wealth and was confident about his plans to destroy others.”
  • Ezekiel 28:2
    “ Son of man, say to the prince of Tyre,‘ This is what the sovereign LORD says:“‘ Your heart is proud and you said,“ I am a god; I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas”– yet you are a man and not a god, though you think you are godlike.
  • Hosea 13:6
    When they were fed, they became satisfied; when they were satisfied, they became proud; as a result, they forgot me!
  • Proverbs 11:28
    The one who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf.
  • James 4:13-14
    Come now, you who say,“ Today or tomorrow we will go into this or that town and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.”You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life like? For you are a puff of smoke that appears for a short time and then vanishes.
  • Hosea 12:7-8
    The businessmen love to cheat; they use dishonest scales.Ephraim boasts,“ I am very rich! I have become wealthy! In all that I have done to gain my wealth, no one can accuse me of any offense that is actually sinful.”
  • Proverbs 26:12
    Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.
  • Daniel 4:37
    Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, for all his deeds are right and his ways are just. He is able to bring down those who live in pride.
  • Deuteronomy 6:11-12
    houses filled with choice things you did not accumulate, hewn out cisterns you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant– and you eat your fill,be careful not to forget the LORD who brought you out of Egypt, that place of slavery.
  • Deuteronomy 8:13-14
    when your cattle and flocks increase, when you have plenty of silver and gold, and when you have abundance of everything,be sure you do not feel self-important and forget the LORD your God who brought you from the land of Egypt, the place of slavery,
  • 1 Timothy 6 17
    Command those who are rich in this world’s goods not to be haughty or to set their hope on riches, which are uncertain, but on God who richly provides us with all things for our enjoyment.
  • Romans 12:16
    Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty but associate with the lowly. Do not be conceited.
  • Isaiah 5:21
    Those who think they are wise are as good as dead, those who think they possess understanding.
  • Job 31:24-25
    “ If I have put my confidence in gold or said to pure gold,‘ You are my security!’if I have rejoiced because of the extent of my wealth, or because of the great wealth my hand had gained,
  • 2 Chronicles 25 19
    You defeated Edom and it has gone to your head. Gloat over your success, but stay in your palace. Why bring calamity on yourself? Why bring down yourself and Judah along with you?”
  • Ezekiel 16:49
    “‘ See here– this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters had majesty, abundance of food, and enjoyed carefree ease, but they did not help the poor and needy.
  • Isaiah 23:3
    the deep waters! Grain from the Shihor region, crops grown near the Nile she receives; she is the trade center of the nations.
  • Daniel 4:30
    The king uttered these words:“ Is this not the great Babylon that I have built for a royal residence by my own mighty strength and for my majestic honor?”
  • Zechariah 9:3
    Tyre built herself a fortification and piled up silver like dust and gold like the mud of the streets!
  • Luke 12:16-21
    He then told them a parable:“ The land of a certain rich man produced an abundant crop,so he thought to himself,‘ What should I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’Then he said,‘ I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.And I will say to myself,“ You have plenty of goods stored up for many years; relax, eat, drink, celebrate!”’But God said to him,‘ You fool! This very night your life will be demanded back from you, but who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’So it is with the one who stores up riches for himself, but is not rich toward God.”
  • Isaiah 23:8
    Who planned this for royal Tyre, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are the dignitaries of the earth?
  • Proverbs 30:9
    lest I become satisfied and act deceptively and say,“ Who is the LORD?” Or lest I become poor and steal and demean the name of my God.
  • Ezekiel 27:12-36
    “‘ Tarshish was your trade partner because of your abundant wealth; they exchanged silver, iron, tin, and lead for your products.Javan, Tubal, and Meshech were your clients; they exchanged slaves and bronze items for your merchandise.Beth Togarmah exchanged horses, chargers, and mules for your products.The Dedanites were your clients. Many coastlands were your customers; they paid you with ivory tusks and ebony.Edom was your trade partner because of the abundance of your goods; they exchanged turquoise, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral, and rubies for your products.Judah and the land of Israel were your clients; they traded wheat from Minnith, millet, honey, olive oil, and balm for your merchandise.Damascus was your trade partner because of the abundance of your goods and of all your wealth: wine from Helbon, white wool from Zahar,and casks of wine from Izal they exchanged for your products. Wrought iron, cassia, and sweet cane were among your merchandise.Dedan was your client in saddlecloths for riding.Arabia and all the princes of Kedar were your trade partners; for lambs, rams, and goats they traded with you.The merchants of Sheba and Raamah engaged in trade with you; they traded the best kinds of spices along with precious stones and gold for your products.Haran, Kanneh, Eden, merchants from Sheba, Asshur, and Kilmad were your clients.They traded with you choice garments, purple clothes and embroidered work, and multicolored carpets, bound and reinforced with cords; these were among your merchandise.The ships of Tarshish were the transports for your merchandise.“‘ So you were filled and weighed down in the heart of the seas.Your rowers have brought you into surging waters. The east wind has wrecked you in the heart of the seas.Your wealth, products, and merchandise, your sailors and captains, your ship’s carpenters, your merchants, and all your fighting men within you, along with all your crew who are in you, will fall into the heart of the seas on the day of your downfall.At the sound of your captains’ cry the waves will surge;They will descend from their ships– all who handle the oar, the sailors and all the sea captains– they will stand on the land.They will lament loudly over you and cry bitterly. They will throw dust on their heads and roll in the ashes;they will tear out their hair because of you and put on sackcloth, and they will weep bitterly over you with intense mourning.As they wail they will lament over you, chanting:“ Who was like Tyre, like a tower in the midst of the sea?”When your products went out from the seas, you satisfied many peoples; with the abundance of your wealth and merchandise you enriched the kings of the earth.Now you are wrecked by the seas, in the depths of the waters; your merchandise and all your company have sunk along with you.All the inhabitants of the coastlands are shocked at you, and their kings are horribly afraid– their faces are troubled.The traders among the peoples hiss at you; you have become a horror, and will be no more.’”
  • Isaiah 10:8-14
    Indeed, he says:“ Are not my officials all kings?Is not Calneh like Carchemish? Hamath like Arpad? Samaria like Damascus?I overpowered kingdoms ruled by idols, whose carved images were more impressive than Jerusalem’s or Samaria’s.As I have done to Samaria and its idols, so I will do to Jerusalem and its idols.”But when the sovereign master finishes judging Mount Zion and Jerusalem, then I will punish the king of Assyria for what he has proudly planned and for the arrogant attitude he displays.For he says:“ By my strong hand I have accomplished this, by my strategy that I devised. I invaded the territory of nations, and looted their storehouses. Like a mighty conqueror, I brought down rulers.My hand discovered the wealth of the nations, as if it were in a nest, as one gathers up abandoned eggs, I gathered up the whole earth. There was no wing flapping, or open mouth chirping.”
  • 2 Chronicles 32 23-2 Chronicles 32 25
    Many were bringing presents to the LORD in Jerusalem and precious gifts to King Hezekiah of Judah. From that time on he was respected by all the nations.In those days Hezekiah was stricken with a terminal illness. He prayed to the LORD, who answered him and gave him a sign confirming that he would be healed.But Hezekiah was ungrateful; he had a proud attitude, provoking God to be angry at him, as well as Judah and Jerusalem.