<< Isaiah 24:11 >>



  • Matthew 22:11-13
    “ But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.He asked,‘ How did you get in here without wedding clothes, friend?’ The man was speechless.“ Then the king told the attendants,‘ Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (niv)
  • Joel 1:15
    Alas for that day! For the day of the Lord is near; it will come like destruction from the Almighty. (niv)
  • Proverbs 31:6
    Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish! (niv)
  • Hosea 7:14
    They do not cry out to me from their hearts but wail on their beds. They slash themselves, appealing to their gods for grain and new wine, but they turn away from me. (niv)
  • Isaiah 24:7-9
    The new wine dries up and the vine withers; all the merrymakers groan.The joyful timbrels are stilled, the noise of the revelers has stopped, the joyful harp is silent.No longer do they drink wine with a song; the beer is bitter to its drinkers. (niv)
  • Isaiah 16:10
    Joy and gladness are taken away from the orchards; no one sings or shouts in the vineyards; no one treads out wine at the presses, for I have put an end to the shouting. (niv)
  • Lamentations 5:14-15
    The elders are gone from the city gate; the young men have stopped their music.Joy is gone from our hearts; our dancing has turned to mourning. (niv)
  • Luke 16:25
    “ But Abraham replied,‘ Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. (niv)
  • Isaiah 9:19
    By the wrath of the Lord Almighty the land will be scorched and the people will be fuel for the fire; they will not spare one another. (niv)
  • Amos 5:16-20
    Therefore this is what the Lord, the Lord God Almighty, says:“ There will be wailing in all the streets and cries of anguish in every public square. The farmers will be summoned to weep and the mourners to wail.There will be wailing in all the vineyards, for I will pass through your midst,” says the Lord.Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord! Why do you long for the day of the Lord? That day will be darkness, not light.It will be as though a man fled from a lion only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake bite him.Will not the day of the Lord be darkness, not light— pitch-dark, without a ray of brightness? (niv)
  • Isaiah 32:13
    and for the land of my people, a land overgrown with thorns and briers— yes, mourn for all houses of merriment and for this city of revelry. (niv)
  • Isaiah 8:22
    Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness. (niv)
  • Jeremiah 48:33
    Joy and gladness are gone from the orchards and fields of Moab. I have stopped the flow of wine from the presses; no one treads them with shouts of joy. Although there are shouts, they are not shouts of joy. (niv)