<< Jeremiah 28:2 >>



  • Jeremiah 27:2-12
    The Lord said,“ Make a yoke out of ropes and wooden boards. Put it on your neck.Then write down a message for the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon. Give it to their messengers who have come to Jerusalem. They have come to see Zedekiah, the king of Judah.Give them a message for the kings who sent them. It should say,‘ The Lord who rules over all is the God of Israel. He says,“ Here is what I want you to tell your masters.I reached out my great and powerful arm. I made the earth. I made its people and animals. And I can give the earth to anyone I please.Now I will hand over all your countries to my servant Nebuchadnezzar. He is the king of Babylon. I will put even the wild animals under his control.All the nations will serve him and his son and grandson. After that, I will judge his land. Then many nations and great kings will make him serve them.“‘ “But suppose any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. And suppose it refuses to put its neck under his yoke. Then I will punish that nation with war, hunger and plague,” announces the Lord.“ I will punish it until his powerful hand destroys it.So do not listen to your prophets. Do not listen to those who claim to have secret knowledge. Do not listen to those who try to explain your dreams. Do not listen to those who get messages from people who have died. Do not listen to those who practice evil magic. All of them will tell you,‘ You won’t serve the king of Babylon.’But they prophesy lies to you. If you listen to them, you will be removed far away from your lands. I will drive you away from them. And you will die.But suppose any nation will put its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon. And suppose it serves him. Then I will let that nation remain in its own land. I will let its people plow the land and live there,” ’ ” announces the Lord.I gave the same message to Zedekiah, the king of Judah. I said,“ Put your neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon. Obey him. Serve his people. Then you will live.
  • Micah 3:11
    Your judges take money from people who want special favors. Your priests teach only if they get paid for it. Your prophets won’t tell fortunes unless they receive money. But you still look for the Lord’ s help. You say,“ The Lord is with us. No trouble will come on us.”
  • Ezekiel 13:5-16
    You have not repaired the cracks in the city wall for the people of Israel. So it will not stand firm in the battle on the day I judge you.The visions of those prophets are false. They use magic to try to find out what is going to happen. But their magic tricks are lies. They say,‘ The Lord announces.’ But I have not sent them. In spite of that, they expect him to make their words come true.You prophets have seen false visions. You have used magic to try to find out what is going to happen. But your magic tricks are lies. So you lied when you said,‘ The Lord announces.’ I did not even speak to you at all.”“‘ The Lord and King says,“ I am against you prophets. Your messages are false. Your visions do not come true,” announces the Lord and King.“ Israel, my power will be against the prophets who see false visions. Their magic tricks are lies. They will not be among the leaders of my people. They will not be listed in the records of Israel. In fact, they will not even enter the land. Then you will know that I am the Lord and King.“‘ “They lead my people away from me. They say,‘ Peace.’ But there isn’t any peace. They are like people who build a weak wall. They try to cover up the weakness by painting the wall white.Tell those who do this that their wall is going to fall. Heavy rains will come. I will send hailstones crashing down. Powerful winds will blow.The wall will fall down. Then people will ask them,‘ Now where is the paint you covered it with?’ ”“‘ So the Lord and King speaks. He says,“ When I am very angry, I will send a powerful wind. Hailstones and heavy rains will come. They will fall with great force.I will tear down the wall you prophets painted over. I will knock it down. The only thing left will be its foundation. When it falls, you will be destroyed along with it. Then you will know that I am the Lord.So I will pour out all my great anger on the wall. I will also send it against you prophets who painted it. I will say to you,‘ The wall is gone. You who painted it will be gone too.You prophets of Israel prophesied to Jerusalem. You saw visions of peace for its people. But there wasn’t any peace,’ announces the Lord and King.” ’