<< Jeremiah 5:13 >>



  • Jeremiah 14:15
    Therefore Yahweh says concerning the prophets who prophesy in my name, but I didn’t send them, yet they say,‘ Sword and famine will not be in this land.’ Those prophets will be consumed by sword and famine.
  • Job 8:2
    “ How long will you speak these things? Shall the words of your mouth be a mighty wind?
  • Jeremiah 14:13
    Then I said,“ Ah, Lord Yahweh! Behold, the prophets tell them,‘ You will not see the sword, neither will you have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.’”
  • Jeremiah 18:18
    Then they said,“ Come! Let’s devise plans against Jeremiah; for the law won’t perish from the priest, nor counsel from the wise, nor the word from the prophet. Come, and let’s strike him with the tongue, and let’s not give heed to any of his words.”
  • Job 6:26
    Do you intend to reprove words, since the speeches of one who is desperate are as wind?
  • Jeremiah 20:8-11
    For as often as I speak, I cry out; I cry,“ Violence and destruction!” because Yahweh’s word has been made a reproach to me, and a derision, all day.If I say, I will not make mention of him, or speak any more in his name, then there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones. I am weary with holding it in. I can’t.For I have heard the defaming of many,“ Terror on every side! Denounce, and we will denounce him!” say all my familiar friends, those who watch for my fall.“ Perhaps he will be persuaded, and we will prevail against him, and we will take our revenge on him.”But Yahweh is with me as an awesome mighty one. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and they won’t prevail. They will be utterly disappointed, because they have not dealt wisely, even with an everlasting dishonor which will never be forgotten.
  • Jeremiah 28:3
    Within two full years I will bring again into this place all the vessels of Yahweh’s house, that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place, and carried to Babylon.
  • Hosea 9:7
    The days of visitation have come. The days of reckoning have come. Israel will consider the prophet to be a fool, and the man who is inspired to be insane, because of the abundance of your sins, and because your hostility is great.