<< 利未記 24:11 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name with a curse; so they brought him to Moses.( His mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri the Danite.)
  • New International Reader's Version
    The son of the Israelite woman spoke evil things against the Lord by using a curse. So the people brought him to Moses. The name of the man’s mother was Shelomith. She was the daughter of Dibri. Dibri was from the tribe of Dan.
  • English Standard Version
    and the Israelite woman’s son blasphemed the Name, and cursed. Then they brought him to Moses. His mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.
  • New Living Translation
    During the fight, this son of an Israelite woman blasphemed the Name of the Lord with a curse. So the man was brought to Moses for judgment. His mother was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Her son cursed and blasphemed the Name, and they brought him to Moses.( His mother’s name was Shelomith, a daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan.)
  • New American Standard Bible
    And the son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name and cursed. So they brought him to Moses.( Now his mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.)
  • New King James Version
    And the Israelite woman’s son blasphemed the name of the Lord and cursed; and so they brought him to Moses.( His mother’s name was Shelomith the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.)
  • American Standard Version
    and the son of the Israelitish woman blasphemed the Name, and cursed; and they brought him unto Moses. And his mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Her son cursed and blasphemed the Name, and they brought him to Moses.( His mother’s name was Shelomith, a daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan.)
  • King James Version
    And the Israelitish woman’s son blasphemed the name[ of the LORD], and cursed. And they brought him unto Moses:( and his mother’s name[ was] Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan:)
  • New English Translation
    The Israelite woman’s son misused the Name and cursed, so they brought him to Moses.( Now his mother’s name was Shelomith daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.)
  • World English Bible
    The son of the Israelite woman blasphemed the Name, and cursed; and they brought him to Moses. His mother’s name was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan.


  • 利未記 24:15-16
    你要曉諭以色列人說:凡咒詛神的,必擔當他的罪。那褻瀆耶和華名的,必被治死;全會眾總要用石頭打死他。不管是寄居的是本地人,他褻瀆耶和華名的時候,必被治死。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 20:7
    「不可妄稱耶和華-你神的名;因為妄稱耶和華名的,耶和華必不以他為無罪。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 18:26
    他們隨時審判百姓,有難斷的案件就呈到摩西那裏,但各樣小事他們自己審判。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 18:22
    叫他們隨時審判百姓,大事都要呈到你這裏,小事他們自己可以審判。這樣,你就輕省些,他們也可以同當此任。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 3:15
    神又對摩西說:「你要對以色列人這樣說:『耶和華-你們祖宗的神,就是亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神,打發我到你們這裏來。』耶和華是我的名,直到永遠;這也是我的紀念,直到萬代。 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 2:5
    你且伸手傷他的骨頭和他的肉,他必當面棄掉你。」 (cunpt)
  • 以賽亞書 8:21
    他們必經過這地,受艱難,受飢餓;飢餓的時候,心中焦躁,咒罵自己的君王和自己的神。 (cunpt)
  • 使徒行傳 6:11-13
    就買出人來說:「我們聽見他說謗讟摩西和神的話。」他們又聳動了百姓、長老,並文士,就忽然來捉拿他,把他帶到公會去,設下假見證,說:「這個人說話,不住地糟踐聖所和律法。 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀下 19:22
    你辱罵誰?褻瀆誰?揚起聲來,高舉眼目攻擊誰呢?乃是攻擊以色列的聖者! (cunpt)
  • 啟示錄 16:21
    又有大雹子從天落在人身上,每一個約重一他連得。為這雹子的災極大,人就褻瀆神。 (cunpt)
  • 羅馬書 2:24
    神的名在外邦人中,因你們受了褻瀆,正如經上所記的。 (cunpt)
  • 撒母耳記下 12:14
    只是你行這事,叫耶和華的仇敵大得褻瀆的機會,故此,你所得的孩子必定要死。」 (cunpt)
  • 詩篇 74:22
    神啊,求你起來為自己伸訴!要記念愚頑人怎樣終日辱罵你。 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀上 21:10
    又叫兩個匪徒坐在拿伯對面,作見證告他說:『你謗瀆神和王了』;隨後就把他拉出去用石頭打死。」 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 2:9-10
    他的妻子對他說:「你仍然持守你的純正嗎?你棄掉神,死了吧!」約伯卻對她說:「你說話像愚頑的婦人一樣。噯!難道我們從神手裏得福,不也受禍嗎?」在這一切的事上約伯並不以口犯罪。 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 1:22
    在這一切的事上約伯並不犯罪,也不以神為愚妄。 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀下 19:10
    「你們對猶大王希西家如此說:『不要聽你所倚靠的神欺哄你,說耶路撒冷必不交在亞述王的手中。 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 1:11
    你且伸手毀他一切所有的;他必當面棄掉你。」 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 1:5
    筵宴的日子過了,約伯打發人去叫他們自潔。他清早起來,按着他們眾人的數目獻燔祭;因為他說:「恐怕我兒子犯了罪,心中棄掉神。」約伯常常這樣行。 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀下 19:6
    以賽亞對他們說:「要這樣對你們的主人說,耶和華如此說:『你聽見亞述王的僕人褻瀆我的話,不要懼怕。 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀上 21:13
    有兩個匪徒來,坐在拿伯的對面,當着眾民作見證告他說:「拿伯謗瀆神和王了!」眾人就把他拉到城外,用石頭打死。 (cunpt)
  • 啟示錄 16:11
    又因所受的疼痛,和生的瘡,就褻瀆天上的神,並不悔改所行的。 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀下 18:35
    這些國的神有誰曾救自己的國脫離我的手呢?難道耶和華能救耶路撒冷脫離我的手嗎?』」 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀下 18:37-19:3
    當下,希勒家的兒子家宰以利亞敬和書記舍伯那,並亞薩的兒子史官約亞,都撕裂衣服,來到希西家那裏,將拉伯沙基的話告訴了他。希西家王聽見,就撕裂衣服,披上麻布,進了耶和華的殿;使家宰以利亞敬和書記舍伯那,並祭司中的長老,都披上麻布,去見亞摩斯的兒子先知以賽亞,對他說:「希西家如此說:『今日是急難、責罰、凌辱的日子,就如婦人將要生產嬰孩,卻沒有力量生產。 (cunpt)
  • 歷代志下 32:14-17
    我列祖所滅的國,那些神中誰能救自己的民脫離我手呢?難道你們的神能救你們脫離我手嗎?所以你們不要叫希西家這樣欺哄誘惑你們,也不要信他;因為沒有一國一邦的神能救自己的民脫離我手和我列祖的手,何況你們的神更不能救你們脫離我的手。』」西拿基立的臣僕還有別的話毀謗耶和華神和他僕人希西家。西拿基立也寫信毀謗耶和華-以色列的神說:「列邦的神既不能救他的民脫離我手,希西家的神也不能救他的民脫離我手了。」 (cunpt)
  • 馬太福音 26:65
    大祭司就撕開衣服,說:「他說了僭妄的話,我們何必再用見證人呢?這僭妄的話,現在你們都聽見了。 (cunpt)
  • 提摩太前書 1:13
    我從前是褻瀆神的,逼迫人的,侮慢人的;然而我還蒙了憐憫,因我是不信不明白的時候而做的。 (cunpt)
  • 民數記 15:33-35
    遇見他撿柴的人,就把他帶到摩西、亞倫並全會眾那裏,將他收在監內;因為當怎樣辦他,還沒有指明。耶和華吩咐摩西說:「總要把那人治死;全會眾要在營外用石頭把他打死。」 (cunpt)
  • 列王紀下 18:30
    也不要聽希西家使你們倚靠耶和華,說耶和華必要拯救我們,這城必不交在亞述王的手中。』 (cunpt)
  • 詩篇 74:18
    耶和華啊,仇敵辱罵,愚頑民褻瀆了你的名,求你記念這事。 (cunpt)