<< Luke 6:20 >>



  • Luke 6:20-24
    Jesus looked at his disciples. He said to them,“ Blessed are you who are needy. God’s kingdom belongs to you.Blessed are you who are hungry now. You will be satisfied. Blessed are you who are sad now. You will laugh.Blessed are you when people hate you, when they have nothing to do with you and say bad things about you, and when they treat your name as something evil. They do all this because you are followers of the Son of Man.“ The prophets of long ago were treated the same way. When these things happen to you, be glad and jump for joy. You will receive many blessings in heaven.“ But how terrible it will be for you who are rich! You have already had your easy life.
  • James 2:5
    My dear brothers and sisters, listen to me. Hasn’t God chosen those who are poor in the world’s eyes to be rich in faith? Hasn’t he chosen them to receive the kingdom? Hasn’t he promised it to those who love him?
  • 2 Corinthians 8 9
    You know the grace shown by our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though he was rich, he became poor to help you. Because he became poor, you can become rich.
  • Luke 12:32
    “ Little flock, do not be afraid. Your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.
  • Matthew 25:34
    “ Then the King will speak to those on his right. He will say,‘ My Father has blessed you. Come and take what is yours. It is the kingdom prepared for you since the world was created.
  • Revelation 2:9
    ‘ I know that you suffer and are poor. But you are rich! Some people say they are Jews but are not. I know that their words are evil. Their worship comes from Satan.
  • James 1:9-10
    Here’s what believers who are in low positions in life should be proud of. They should be proud that God has given them a high position in the kingdom.But rich people should take pride in their low positions. That’s because they will fade away like wild flowers.
  • 2 Corinthians 6 10
    We are sad, but we are always full of joy. We are poor, but we make many people rich. We have nothing, but we own everything.
  • Isaiah 29:19
    Those who aren’t proud will once again find their joy in the Lord. And those who are in need will find their joy in the Holy One of Israel.
  • Zephaniah 3:12
    But inside your city I will leave those who are not proud at all. Those who are still left alive will trust in the Lord.
  • Matthew 5:2-12
    Then he began to teach them. He said,“ Blessed are those who are spiritually needy. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.Blessed are those who are sad. They will be comforted.Blessed are those who are humble. They will be given the earth.Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty for what is right. They will be filled.Blessed are those who show mercy. They will be shown mercy.Blessed are those whose hearts are pure. They will see God.Blessed are those who make peace. They will be called children of God.Blessed are those who suffer for doing what is right. The kingdom of heaven belongs to them.“ Blessed are you when people make fun of you and hurt you because of me. You are also blessed when they tell all kinds of evil lies about you because of me.Be joyful and glad. Your reward in heaven is great. In the same way, people hurt the prophets who lived long ago.
  • 2 Thessalonians 1 5
    All of this proves that when God judges, he is fair. So you will be considered worthy to enter God’s kingdom. You are suffering for his kingdom.
  • Psalms 113:7-8
    He raises poor people up from the trash pile. He lifts needy people out of the ashes.He causes them to sit with princes. He causes them to sit with the princes of his people.
  • 1 Corinthians 1 26-1 Corinthians 1 29
    Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when God chose you. Not many of you were considered wise by human standards. Not many of you were powerful. Not many of you belonged to important families.But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.God chose the things of this world that are common and looked down on. God chose things considered unimportant to do away with things considered important.So no one can boast to God.
  • Luke 16:25
    “ But Abraham replied,‘ Son, remember what happened in your lifetime. You received your good things. Lazarus received bad things. Now he is comforted here, and you are in terrible pain.
  • Psalms 37:16
    Those who do what is right may have very little. But it’s better than the wealth of many sinners.
  • Proverbs 19:1
    It is better to be poor and to live without blame than to be foolish and to twist words around.
  • James 1:12
    Blessed is the person who keeps on going when times are hard. After they have come through hard times, this person will receive a crown. The crown is life itself. The Lord has promised it to those who love him.
  • Isaiah 57:15-16
    The God who is highly honored lives forever. His name is holy. He says,“ I live in a high and holy place. But I also live with anyone who turns away from their sins. I live with anyone who is not proud. I give new life to them. I give it to anyone who turns away from their sins.I will not find fault with my people forever. I will not always be angry with them. If I were, I would cause their spirits to grow weak. The people I created would faint away.
  • Proverbs 16:19
    Suppose you are lowly in spirit along with those who are treated badly. That’s better than sharing stolen goods with those who are proud.
  • 1 Thessalonians 1 6
    We and the Lord were your examples. You followed us. You welcomed our message even when you were suffering terribly. You welcomed it with the joy the Holy Spirit gives.
  • Isaiah 66:2
    Didn’t I make everything by my power? That is how all things were created,” announces the Lord.“ The people I value are not proud. They are sorry for the wrong things they have done. They have great respect for what I say.
  • Luke 14:15
    One of the people at the table with Jesus heard him say those things. So he said to Jesus,“ Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in God’s kingdom.”
  • Matthew 12:49-50
    Jesus pointed to his disciples. He said,“ Here is my mother! Here are my brothers!Anyone who does what my Father in heaven wants is my brother or sister or mother.”
  • Acts 14:22
    There they helped the believers gain strength. They told them to remain faithful to what they had been taught.“ We must go through many hard times to enter God’s kingdom,” they said.
  • 1 Corinthians 3 21-1 Corinthians 3 23
    So no more bragging about human leaders! All things are yours.That means Paul or Apollos or Peter or the world or life or death or the present or the future. All are yours.You are joined to Christ and belong to him. And Christ is joined to God.
  • Luke 4:18
    “ The Spirit of the Lord is on me. He has anointed me to announce the good news to poor people. He has sent me to announce freedom for prisoners. He has sent me so that the blind will see again. He wants me to set free those who are treated badly.
  • John 7:48-49
    “ Have any of the rulers or Pharisees believed in him?No! But this mob knows nothing about the law. There is a curse on them.”
  • 1 Samuel 2 8
    He raises poor people up from the trash pile. He lifts needy people out of the ashes. He lets them sit with princes. He gives them places of honor.“ The foundations of the earth belong to the Lord. On them he has set the world.
  • 2 Corinthians 8 2
    They have suffered a great deal. But in their suffering, their joy was more than full. Even though they were very poor, they gave very freely.
  • Zechariah 11:11
    It happened that day. The sheep that had been treated badly were watching me. They knew it was the Lord’ s message.
  • Luke 13:28
    “ You will weep and grind your teeth together when you see those who are in God’s kingdom. You will see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets there. But you yourselves will be thrown out.
  • Matthew 11:5
    Blind people receive sight. Disabled people walk. Those who have skin diseases are made‘ clean.’ Deaf people hear. Those who are dead are raised to life. And the good news is preached to those who are poor.
  • Mark 3:34-35
    Then Jesus looked at the people sitting in a circle around him. He said,“ Here is my mother! Here are my brothers!Anyone who does what God wants is my brother or sister or mother.”