<< Luke 6:26 >>



  • James 4:4
    You are not faithful to God. Don’t you know that to be a friend of the world is to hate God? So anyone who chooses to be the world’s friend becomes God’s enemy.
  • Matthew 7:15
    “ Watch out for false prophets. They come to you pretending to be sheep. But on the inside they are hungry wolves.
  • Jeremiah 5:31
    The prophets prophesy lies. The priests rule by their own authority. And my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?”
  • Isaiah 30:10
    They say to the seers,‘ Don’t see any more visions!’ They say to the prophets,‘ Don’t give us any more visions of what is right! Tell us pleasant things. Prophesy things we want to hear even if they aren’t true.
  • Micah 2:11
    Suppose a prophet goes around telling lies. And he prophesies that you will have plenty of wine and beer. Then that kind of prophet would be just right for this nation!
  • 2 Thessalonians 2 8-2 Thessalonians 2 12
    Then the man of sin will appear. The Lord Jesus will overthrow him with the breath of his mouth. The glorious brightness of Jesus’ coming will destroy the man of sin.The coming of the man of sin will fit how Satan works. The man of sin will show his power through all kinds of signs and wonders. These signs and wonders will lead people astray.So people who are dying will be fooled by this evil. These people are dying because they refuse to love the truth. The truth would save them.So God will fool them completely. Then they will believe the lie.Many will not believe the truth. They will take pleasure in evil. They will be judged.
  • John 15:19
    If you belonged to the world, it would love you like one of its own. But you do not belong to the world. I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.
  • 2 Peter 2 18-2 Peter 2 19
    They speak empty, bragging words. They make their appeal to the evil desires that come from sin’s power. They tempt new believers who are just escaping from the company of sinful people.They promise to give freedom to these new believers. But they themselves are slaves to sinful living. That’s because“ people are slaves to anything that controls them.”
  • 2 Peter 2 1-2 Peter 2 3
    But there were also false prophets among the people. In the same way there will be false teachers among you. In secret they will bring in teachings that will destroy you. They will even turn against the Lord and Master who died to pay for their sins. So they will quickly destroy themselves.Many people will follow their lead. These people will do the same evil things the false teachers do. They will cause people to think badly about the way of truth.These teachers are never satisfied. They want to get something out of you. So they make up stories to take advantage of you. They have been under a sentence of death for a long time. The God who will destroy them has not been sleeping.
  • Revelation 13:3-4
    One of the beast’s heads seemed to have had a deadly wound. But the wound had been healed. The whole world was amazed and followed the beast.People worshiped the dragon, because he had given authority to the beast. They also worshiped the beast. They asked,“ Who is like the beast? Who can make war against it?”
  • 1 John 4 5-1 John 4 6
    False prophets belong to the world. So they speak from the world’s point of view. And the world listens to them.We belong to God. And those who know God listen to us. But those who don’t belong to God don’t listen to us. That’s how we can tell the difference between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of lies.
  • 1 Kings 22 24-1 Kings 22 28
    Then Zedekiah, the son of Kenaanah, went up and slapped Micaiah in the face. Zedekiah asked Micaiah,“ Do you think the spirit sent by the Lord left me? Do you think that spirit went to speak to you?”Micaiah replied,“ You will find out on the day you go to hide in an inside room to save your life.”Then the king of Israel gave an order. He said,“ Take Micaiah away. Send him back to Amon. Amon is the ruler of the city of Samaria. And send him back to Joash. Joash is a member of the royal court.Tell him,‘ The king says,“ Put this fellow in prison. Don’t give him anything but bread and water until I return safely.” ’ ”Micaiah announced,“ Do you really think you will return safely? If you do, the Lord hasn’t spoken through me.” He continued,“ All of you people, remember what I’ve said!”
  • Romans 16:18
    People like that are not serving Christ our Lord. They are serving only themselves. With smooth talk and with words they don’t mean they fool people who don’t know any better.
  • 1 Kings 22 13-1 Kings 22 14
    A messenger went to get Micaiah. He said to him,“ Look. The other prophets agree. All of them are saying the king will have success. So agree with them. Say the same thing they do.”But Micaiah said,“ You can be sure that the Lord lives. And here is something you can be just as sure of. I can only tell the king what the Lord tells me to say.”
  • 1 Kings 22 6-1 Kings 22 8
    So the king of Israel brought about 400 prophets together. He asked them,“ Should I go to war against Ramoth Gilead? Or should I stay here?”“ Go,” they answered.“ The Lord will hand it over to you.”But Jehoshaphat asked,“ Is there no longer a prophet of the Lord here? If there is, ask him what we should do.”The king of Israel answered Jehoshaphat. He said,“ There is still one other man we can go to. We can ask the Lord for advice through him. But I hate him. He never prophesies anything good about me. He only prophesies bad things. His name is Micaiah. He’s the son of Imlah.”“ You shouldn’t say bad things about him,” Jehoshaphat replied.
  • John 7:7
    The people of the world can’t hate you. But they hate me. This is because I am a witness that their works are evil.