<< Malachi 1:3 >>



  • Jeremiah 49:16-18
    You live in the safety of the rocks. You live on top of the hills. But the terror you stir up has now turned against you. Your proud heart has tricked you. You build your nest as high as an eagle does. But I will bring you down from there,” announces the Lord.“ People of Edom, all those who pass by you will be shocked. They will make fun of you because of all your wounds.Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. So were the towns that were near them,” says the Lord.“ You will be just like them. No one will live in your land. No human beings will stay there.
  • Ezekiel 35:3-4
    Tell it,‘ The Lord and King says,“ Mount Seir, I am against you. I will reach out my powerful hand against you. I will turn you into a dry and empty desert.I will destroy your towns. Your land will become empty. Then you will know that I am the Lord.
  • Joel 3:19
    But Egypt will be deserted. Edom will become a dry and empty desert. They did terrible harm to the people of Judah. My people were not guilty of doing anything wrong. But Egypt and Edom spilled their blood anyway.
  • Isaiah 35:7
    The burning sand will become a pool of water. The thirsty ground will become bubbling springs. In the places where wild dogs once lay down, tall grass and papyrus will grow.
  • Ezekiel 25:13-14
    The Lord continues,“ I will reach out my hand against Edom. I will kill its people and their animals. I will completely destroy it. They will be killed by swords from Teman all the way to Dedan.I will use my people Israel to pay Edom back. They will punish Edom because my anger against it is great. They will know how I pay back my enemies,” announces the Lord and King.
  • Obadiah 1:10
    You did harmful things to the people of Jacob. They are your relatives. So you will be covered with shame. You will be destroyed forever.
  • Ezekiel 36:3-4
    Ezekiel, prophesy. Say,‘ The Lord and King says,“ Your enemies destroyed you. They crushed you from every side. So the rest of the nations took over your land. People talked about you. They told lies about you.” ’ ”Mountains of Israel, listen to the message of the Lord and King. He speaks to you mountains, hills, canyons and valleys. He speaks to you destroyed cities and deserted towns. The rest of the nations around you took away from you everything of value. They made fun of you.
  • Jeremiah 9:11
    The Lord says,“ I will knock down all of Jerusalem’s buildings. I will make it a home for wild dogs. The towns of Judah will be completely destroyed. No one will be able to live in them.”
  • Ezekiel 36:9
    I am concerned about you. I will do good things for you. Farmers will plow your ground. They will plant seeds in it.
  • Ezekiel 36:14-15
    But I will not let you destroy people anymore. I will no longer let your nation’s children be taken away,” announces the Lord and King.“ You will not have to listen to the nations laughing at you anymore. People will no longer make fun of you. You will not let your nation fall,” announces the Lord and King.
  • Jeremiah 51:37
    Babylon will have all its buildings knocked down. It will be a home for wild dogs. No one will live there. People will be shocked at it. They will make fun of it.
  • Luke 14:26
    “ Anyone who comes to me must hate their father and mother. They must hate their wife and children. They must hate their brothers and sisters. And they must hate even their own life. Unless they do this, they can’t be my disciple.
  • Jeremiah 49:10
    But I will strip everything away from Esau’s people. I will uncover their hiding places. They will not be able to hide anywhere. Their army is destroyed. Their friends and neighbors are destroyed. So there is no one to say,
  • Isaiah 34:9-14
    The streams of Edom will be turned into tar. Its dust will be turned into blazing sulfur. Its land will become burning tar.The fire will keep burning night and day. It can’t be put out. Its smoke will go up forever. Edom will lie empty for all time to come. No one will ever travel through it again.The desert owl and screech owl will make it their home. The great owl and the raven will build their nests there. God will use his measuring line to show how completely Edom will be destroyed. He will use his plumb line to show how empty Edom will become.Edom’s nobles won’t have anything left there that can be called a kingdom. All its princes will vanish.Thorns will cover its forts. Bushes and weeds will cover its safest places. It will become a home for wild dogs. It will become a place where owls live.Desert creatures will meet with hyenas. Wild goats will call out to each other. Night creatures will also lie down there. They will find places where they can rest.
  • Isaiah 13:21-22
    But desert creatures will lie down there. Wild dogs will fill its houses. Owls will live there. Wild goats will jump around in it.Hyenas will live in its forts. Wild dogs will live in its beautiful palaces. The time for Babylon to be punished is near. Its days are numbered.
  • Deuteronomy 21:15-16
    Suppose a man has two wives. He loves one but not the other. And both of them have sons by him. But the oldest son is the son of the wife the man doesn’t love.Someday he’ll leave his property to his sons. When he does, he must not give the rights of the oldest son to the son of the wife he loves. He must give those rights to his oldest son. He must do it even though his oldest son is the son of the wife he doesn’t love.
  • Ezekiel 36:7
    So the Lord and King says,“ I raise my hand and make a promise. I promise that the nations around you will also be laughed at.
  • Obadiah 1:18-21
    They will be like a fire. Joseph’s people will be like a flame. The nation of Edom will be like straw. Jacob’s people will set Edom on fire and burn it up. No one will be left alive among Esau’s people.” The Lord has spoken.Israelites from the Negev Desert will take over Esau’s mountains. Israelites from the western hills will possess the land of the Philistines. They’ll take over the territories of Ephraim and Samaria. Israelites from the tribe of Benjamin will possess the land of Gilead.Some Israelites were forced to leave their homes. They’ll come back to Canaan and possess it all the way to the town of Zarephath. Some people from Jerusalem were taken to the city of Sepharad. They’ll return and possess the towns of the Negev Desert.Leaders from Mount Zion will go and rule over the mountains of Esau. And the kingdom will belong to the Lord.
  • Ezekiel 35:7-8
    “ I will turn Mount Seir into a dry and empty desert. No one will be able to go anywhere or do anything there.I will fill your mountains with dead bodies. Some of those who are killed by swords will fall down dead on your hills. Others will die in your valleys and in all your canyons.
  • Genesis 29:30-31
    Jacob slept with Rachel also. He loved Rachel more than he loved Leah. And he worked for Laban for another seven years.The Lord saw that Jacob didn’t love Leah as much as he loved Rachel. So he let Leah have children. But Rachel wasn’t able to have children.