<< Matthew 13:23 >>


  • World English Bible
    What was sown on the good ground, this is he who hears the word, and understands it, who most certainly bears fruit, and produces, some one hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty.”
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  • New International Version
    But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”
  • New International Reader's Version
    But the seed that fell on good soil is like those who hear the message and understand it. They produce a crop 100, 60 or 30 times more than the farmer planted.”
  • English Standard Version
    As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.”
  • New Living Translation
    The seed that fell on good soil represents those who truly hear and understand God’s word and produce a harvest of thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times as much as had been planted!”
  • Christian Standard Bible
    But the one sown on the good ground— this is one who hears and understands the word, who does produce fruit and yields: some a hundred, some sixty, some thirty times what was sown.”
  • New American Standard Bible
    But the one sown with seed on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces, some a hundred, some sixty, and some thirty times as much.”
  • New King James Version
    But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”
  • American Standard Version
    And he that was sown upon the good ground, this is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; who verily beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    But the one sown on the good ground— this is one who hears and understands the word, who does bear fruit and yields: some 100, some 60, some 30 times what was sown.”
  • King James Version
    But he that received seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth[ it]; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
  • New English Translation
    But as for the seed sown on good soil, this is the person who hears the word and understands. He bears fruit, yielding a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.”


  • Matthew 12:33
    “ Either make the tree good, and its fruit good, or make the tree corrupt, and its fruit corrupt; for the tree is known by its fruit.
  • Matthew 13:8
    Others fell on good soil, and yielded fruit: some one hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty.
  • Colossians 1:6
    which has come to you, even as it is in all the world and is bearing fruit and growing, as it does in you also, since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth,
  • Philippians 1:11
    being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.
  • Luke 13:9
    If it bears fruit, fine; but if not, after that, you can cut it down.’”
  • Psalms 92:13-15
    They are planted in Yahweh’s house. They will flourish in our God’s courts.They will still produce fruit in old age. They will be full of sap and green,to show that Yahweh is upright. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.
  • John 15:16
    You didn’t choose me, but I chose you and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain; that whatever you will ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you.
  • John 15:1-8
    “ I am the true vine, and my Father is the farmer.Every branch in me that doesn’t bear fruit, he takes away. Every branch that bears fruit, he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.You are already pruned clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.Remain in me, and I in you. As the branch can’t bear fruit by itself unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you, unless you remain in me.I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.If a man doesn’t remain in me, he is thrown out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them, throw them into the fire, and they are burned.If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, you will ask whatever you desire, and it will be done for you.“ In this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples.
  • Galatians 5:22-23
    But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,gentleness, and self- control. Against such things there is no law.
  • 2 Corinthians 8 1-2 Corinthians 8 2
    Moreover, brothers, we make known to you the grace of God which has been given in the assemblies of Macedonia,how in much proof of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded to the riches of their generosity.
  • Psalms 1:1-3
    Blessed is the man who doesn’t walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand on the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers;but his delight is in Yahweh’s law. On his law he meditates day and night.He will be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that produces its fruit in its season, whose leaf also does not wither. Whatever he does shall prosper.
  • 1 Thessalonians 4 1
    Finally then, brothers, we beg and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, that you abound more and more.
  • John 8:47
    He who is of God hears the words of God. For this cause you don’t hear, because you are not of God.”
  • Acts 16:14
    A certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, one who worshiped God, heard us. The Lord opened her heart to listen to the things which were spoken by Paul.
  • John 1:11-13
    He came to his own, and those who were his own didn’t receive him.But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name:who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
  • 2 Peter 3 18
    But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.
  • Philippians 4:17
    Not that I seek for the gift, but I seek for the fruit that increases to your account.
  • Colossians 1:10
    that you may walk worthily of the Lord, to please him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God,
  • Hebrews 8:10
    “ For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days,” says the Lord;“ I will put my laws into their mind, I will also write them on their heart. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
  • Hebrews 4:2
    For indeed we have had good news preached to us, even as they also did, but the word they heard didn’t profit them, because it wasn’t mixed with faith by those who heard.
  • 1 Peter 2 1-1 Peter 2 2
    Putting away therefore all wickedness, all deceit, hypocrisies, envies, and all evil speaking,as newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the Word, that with it you may grow,
  • Hebrews 13:15-16
    Through him, then, let’s offer up a sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of lips which proclaim allegiance to his name.But don’t forget to be doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.
  • Hebrews 6:7
    For the land which has drunk the rain that comes often on it and produces a crop suitable for them for whose sake it is also tilled, receives blessing from God;
  • Acts 17:11
    Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.
  • John 17:7-8
    Now they have known that all things whatever you have given me are from you,for the words which you have given me I have given to them, and they received them, and knew for sure that I came from you. They have believed that you sent me.
  • Proverbs 1:5-6
    that the wise man may hear, and increase in learning; that the man of understanding may attain to sound counsel:to understand a proverb, and parables, the words and riddles of the wise.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2 13-2 Thessalonians 2 14
    But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief in the truth,to which he called you through our Good News, for the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • 2 Thessalonians 2 10
    and with all deception of wickedness for those who are being lost, because they didn’t receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
  • Luke 6:43-44
    For there is no good tree that produces rotten fruit; nor again a rotten tree that produces good fruit.For each tree is known by its own fruit. For people don’t gather figs from thorns, nor do they gather grapes from a bramble bush.
  • 1 John 5 20
    We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding, that we know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.
  • 2 Peter 1 5-2 Peter 1 8
    Yes, and for this very cause adding on your part all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence; and in moral excellence, knowledge;and in knowledge, self- control; and in self- control perseverance; and in perseverance godliness;and in godliness brotherly affection; and in brotherly affection, love.For if these things are yours and abound, they make you to not be idle or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Matthew 3:10
    “ Even now the ax lies at the root of the trees. Therefore every tree that doesn’t produce good fruit is cut down, and cast into the fire.
  • James 1:21-22
    Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.But be doers of the word, and not only hearers, deluding your own selves.
  • Luke 8:15
    Those in the good ground, these are those who with an honest and good heart, having heard the word, hold it tightly, and produce fruit with perseverance.
  • Ezekiel 18:31
    Cast away from you all your transgressions, in which you have transgressed; and make yourself a new heart and a new spirit: for why will you die, house of Israel?
  • Ezekiel 36:26
    I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
  • John 10:26-27
    But you don’t believe, because you are not of my sheep, as I told you.My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
  • Matthew 3:8
    Therefore produce fruit worthy of repentance!
  • Proverbs 2:2-6
    so as to turn your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding;yes, if you call out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding;if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures:then you will understand the fear of Yahweh, and find the knowledge of God.For Yahweh gives wisdom. Out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.
  • Mark 4:20
    Those which were sown on the good ground are those who hear the word, and accept it, and bear fruit, some thirty times, some sixty times, and some one hundred times.”
  • 2 Corinthians 9 10
    Now may he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply your seed for sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness,
  • Mark 10:15
    Most certainly I tell you, whoever will not receive God’s Kingdom like a little child, he will in no way enter into it.”