<< Numbers 30:13 >>



  • 1 Corinthians 11 3
    But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ. The head of the woman is the man. And the head of Christ is God.
  • Isaiah 58:5
    Do you think that is the way I want you to fast? Is it only a time for people to make themselves suffer? Is it only for people to bow their heads like tall grass bent by the wind? Is it only for people to lie down in ashes and clothes of mourning? Is that what you call a fast? Do you think I can accept that?
  • Numbers 29:7
    “‘ On the tenth day of the seventh month, come together for a special service. You must not eat anything on that day. You must not do any work on it.
  • Leviticus 16:29
    “ Here is a law for you that will last for all time to come. On the tenth day of the seventh month you must not eat anything. You must not do any work. It does not matter whether you are Israelites or outsiders.
  • Leviticus 23:32
    That day is a day of sabbath rest for you. You must rest on it. You must not eat anything on that day. You must follow the rules of the sabbath rest. Follow them from the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening.”
  • 1 Corinthians 11 9
    Also, man was not created for woman. Woman was created for man.
  • Leviticus 23:27
    “ The tenth day of the seventh month is the day when sin is paid for. Come together for a special service. Do not eat any food. Bring a food offering to the Lord.
  • Psalms 35:13
    But when they were sick, I put on the clothing of sadness. I made myself humble by going without food. My prayers for them weren’t always answered.
  • 1 Peter 3 1-1 Peter 3 6
    Wives, follow the lead of your own husbands. Suppose some of them don’t believe God’s word. Then let them be won to Christ without words by seeing how their wives behave.Let them see how pure you are. Let them see that your lives are full of respect for God.Fancy hairstyles don’t make you beautiful. Wearing gold jewelry or fine clothes doesn’t make you beautiful.Instead, your beauty comes from inside you. It is the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. Beauty like this doesn’t fade away. God places great value on it.This is how the holy women of the past used to make themselves beautiful. They put their hope in God. And they followed the lead of their own husbands.Sarah was like that. She obeyed Abraham. She called him her master. Do you want to be like her? Then do what is right. And don’t give in to fear.
  • Ezra 8:21
    By the canal that flows toward Ahava, I announced a fast. I told the people not to eat any food. In that way, we made ourselves humble in God’s sight. We prayed that he would give us and our children a safe journey. We asked him to keep safe everything we owned.
  • 1 Corinthians 7 5
    You shouldn’t stop giving yourselves to each other. You might possibly do this when you both agree to it. And you should only agree to it to give yourselves time to pray. Then you should come together again. In that way, Satan will not tempt you when you can’t control yourselves.