<< Numbers 4:6 >>



  • Exodus 25:13-15
    And thou shalt make staves of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold.And thou shalt put the staves into the rings on the sides of the ark, wherewith to bear the ark.The staves shall be in the rings of the ark: they shall not be taken from it.
  • Exodus 35:19
    the finely wrought garments, for ministering in the holy place, the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest’s office.
  • Numbers 4:7-8
    And upon the table of showbread they shall spread a cloth of blue, and put thereon the dishes, and the spoons, and the bowls and the cups wherewith to pour out; and the continual bread shall be thereon:and they shall spread upon them a cloth of scarlet, and cover the same with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in the staves thereof.
  • Numbers 4:11-13
    And upon the golden altar they shall spread a cloth of blue, and cover it with a covering of sealskin, and shall put in the staves thereof:and they shall take all the vessels of ministry, wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, and put them in a cloth of blue, and cover them with a covering of sealskin, and shall put them on the frame.And they shall take away the ashes from the altar, and spread a purple cloth thereon:
  • 1 Kings 8 7-1 Kings 8 8
    For the cherubim spread forth their wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubim covered the ark and the staves thereof above.And the staves were so long that the ends of the staves were seen from the holy place before the oracle; but they were not seen without: and there they are unto this day.
  • Exodus 39:1
    And of the blue, and purple, and scarlet, they made finely wrought garments, for ministering in the holy place, and made the holy garments for Aaron; as Jehovah commanded Moses.
  • Exodus 39:41
    the finely wrought garments for ministering in the holy place, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons, to minister in the priest’s office.