<< Numbers 5:29 >>



  • Numbers 5:19
    Then the priest will put the woman under oath and say to the her,“ If no other man has had sexual relations with you, and if you have not gone astray and become defiled while under your husband’s authority, may you be free from this bitter water that brings a curse.
  • Numbers 5:12
    “ Speak to the Israelites and tell them,‘ If any man’s wife goes astray and behaves unfaithfully toward him,
  • Leviticus 13:59
    This is the law of the diseased infection in the garment of wool or linen, or the warp or woof, or any article of leather, for pronouncing it clean or unclean.
  • Numbers 5:15
    then the man must bring his wife to the priest, and he must bring the offering required for her, one tenth of an ephah of barley meal; he must not pour olive oil on it or put frankincense on it, because it is a grain offering of suspicion, a grain offering for remembering, for bringing iniquity to remembrance.
  • Leviticus 7:11
    “‘ This is the law of the peace offering sacrifice which he is to present to the LORD.
  • Leviticus 11:46
    This is the law of the land animals, the birds, all the living creatures that move in the water, and all the creatures that swarm on the land,
  • Isaiah 5:7-8
    Indeed Israel is the vineyard of the LORD who commands armies, the people of Judah are the cultivated place in which he took delight. He waited for justice, but look what he got– disobedience! He waited for fairness, but look what he got– cries for help!Those who accumulate houses are as good as dead, those who also accumulate landed property until there is no land left, and you are the only landowners remaining within the land.
  • Leviticus 15:32-33
    This is the law of the one with a discharge: the one who has a seminal emission and becomes unclean by it,the one who is sick in her menstruation, the one with a discharge, whether male or female, and a man who has sexual intercourse with an unclean woman.’”
  • Leviticus 14:54-57
    “ This is the law for all diseased infections, for scall,for the diseased garment, for the house,for the swelling, for the scab, and for the bright spot,to teach when something is unclean and when it is clean. This is the law for dealing with infectious disease.”