<< Psalms 88:8 >>



  • Psalms 31:11
    I am ridiculed by all my adversaries and even by my neighbors. I am dreaded by my acquaintances; those who see me in the street run from me.
  • Zechariah 11:8
    In one month I got rid of three shepherds. I became impatient with them, and they also detested me.
  • Jeremiah 32:2
    At that time, the army of the king of Babylon was besieging Jerusalem, and the prophet Jeremiah was imprisoned in the guard’s courtyard in the palace of the king of Judah.
  • Isaiah 49:7
    This is what the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, his Holy One, says to one who is despised, to one abhorred by people, to a servant of rulers:“ Kings will see, princes will stand up, and they will all bow down because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel— and he has chosen you.”
  • Job 19:13-19
    He has removed my brothers from me; my acquaintances have abandoned me.My relatives stop coming by, and my close friends have forgotten me.My house guests and female servants regard me as a stranger; I am a foreigner in their sight.I call for my servant, but he does not answer, even if I beg him with my own mouth.My breath is offensive to my wife, and my own family finds me repulsive.Even young boys scorn me. When I stand up, they mock me.All of my best friends despise me, and those I love have turned against me.
  • John 11:57
    The chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders that if anyone knew where he was, he should report it so that they could arrest him.
  • Job 19:8
    He has blocked my way so that I cannot pass through; he has veiled my paths with darkness.
  • 1 Samuel 23 18-1 Samuel 23 20
    Then the two of them made a covenant in the LORD’s presence. Afterward, David remained in Horesh, while Jonathan went home.Some Ziphites came up to Saul at Gibeah and said,“ Isn’t it true that David is hiding among us in the strongholds in Horesh on the hill of Hachilah south of Jeshimon?So now, whenever the king wants to come down, let him come down. As for us, we will be glad to hand him over to the king.”
  • Psalms 143:4
    My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay.
  • Psalms 88:18
    You have distanced loved one and neighbor from me; darkness is my only friend.
  • Lamentations 3:7-9
    He has walled me in so I cannot get out; he has weighed me down with chains.Even when I cry out and plead for help, he blocks out my prayer.He has walled in my ways with blocks of stone; he has made my paths crooked.
  • Job 30:10
    They despise me and keep their distance from me; they do not hesitate to spit in my face.
  • Job 12:14
    Whatever he tears down cannot be rebuilt; whoever he imprisons cannot be released.
  • Psalms 142:4
    Look to the right and see: no one stands up for me; there is no refuge for me; no one cares about me.
  • John 15:23-24
    The one who hates me also hates my Father.If I had not done the works among them that no one else has done, they would not be guilty of sin. Now they have seen and hated both me and my Father.
  • Matthew 27:21-25
    The governor asked them,“ Which of the two do you want me to release for you?”“ Barabbas!” they answered.Pilate asked them,“ What should I do then with Jesus, who is called Christ?” They all answered,“ Crucify him!”Then he said,“ Why? What has he done wrong?” But they kept shouting all the more,“ Crucify him!”When Pilate saw that he was getting nowhere, but that a riot was starting instead, he took some water, washed his hands in front of the crowd, and said,“ I am innocent of this man’s blood. See to it yourselves!”All the people answered,“ His blood be on us and on our children!”
  • Isaiah 63:3
    I trampled the winepress alone, and no one from the nations was with me. I trampled them in my anger and ground them underfoot in my fury; their blood spattered my garments, and all my clothes were stained.