<< Zechariah 9:4 >>



  • Ezekiel 28:18
    You profaned your sanctuaries by the magnitude of your iniquities in your dishonest trade. So I made fire come from within you, and it consumed you. I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of everyone watching you.
  • Ezekiel 26:17
    Then they will lament for you and say of you: How you have perished, city of renown, you who were populated from the seas! She who was powerful on the sea, she and all of her inhabitants inflicted their terror.
  • Proverbs 11:4
    Wealth is not profitable on a day of wrath, but righteousness rescues from death.
  • Amos 1:10
    Therefore, I will send fire against the walls of Tyre, and it will consume its citadels.
  • Ezekiel 28:2
    “ Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre: This is what the Lord God says: Your heart is proud, and you have said,‘ I am a god; I sit in the seat of gods in the heart of the sea.’ Yet you are a man and not a god, though you have regarded your heart as that of a god.
  • Ezekiel 28:8
    They will bring you down to the Pit, and you will die a violent death in the heart of the sea.
  • Isaiah 23:1-7
    An oracle against Tyre: Wail, ships of Tarshish, for your haven has been destroyed. Word has reached them from the land of Cyprus.Mourn, inhabitants of the coastland, you merchants of Sidon; your agents have crossed the seaon many waters. Tyre’s revenue was the grain from Shihor— the harvest of the Nile. She was the merchant among the nations.Be ashamed Sidon, the stronghold of the sea, for the sea has spoken:“ I have not been in labor or given birth. I have not raised young men or brought up young women.”When the news reaches Egypt, they will be in anguish over the news about Tyre.Cross over to Tarshish; wail, inhabitants of the coastland!Is this your jubilant city, whose origin was in ancient times, whose feet have taken her to settle far away?
  • Joel 3:8
    I will sell your sons and daughters into the hands of the people of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, to a distant nation, for the Lord has spoken.
  • Ezekiel 28:16
    Through the abundance of your trade, you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I expelled you in disgrace from the mountain of God, and banished you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.
  • Ezekiel 27:26-36
    Your rowers have brought you onto the high seas, but the east wind has shattered you in the heart of the sea.Your wealth, merchandise, and goods, your sailors and captains, those who repair your leaks, those who barter for your goods, and all the warriors within you, with all the other people on board, sink into the heart of the sea on the day of your downfall.The countryside shakes at the sound of your sailors’ cries.All those who handle an oar disembark from their ships. The sailors and all the captains of the sea stand on the shore.They raise their voices over you and cry out bitterly. They throw dust on their heads; they roll in ashes.They shave their heads because of you and wrap themselves in sackcloth. They weep over you with deep anguish and bitter mourning.In their wailing they lament for you, mourning over you: Who was like Tyre, silenced in the middle of the sea?When your merchandise was unloaded from the seas, you satisfied many peoples. You enriched the kings of the earth with your abundant wealth and goods.Now you are shattered by the sea in the depths of the waters; your goods and the people within you have gone down.All the inhabitants of the coasts and islands are appalled at you. Their kings shudder with fear; their faces are contorted.Those who trade among the peoples mock you; you have become an object of horror and will never exist again.”
  • Proverbs 10:2
    Ill-gotten gains do not profit anyone, but righteousness rescues from death.
  • Ezekiel 26:3-5
    therefore this is what the Lord God says: See, I am against you, Tyre! I will raise up many nations against you, just as the sea raises its waves.They will destroy the walls of Tyre and demolish her towers. I will scrape the soil from her and turn her into a bare rock.She will become a place in the sea to spread nets, for I have spoken.” This is the declaration of the Lord God.“ She will become plunder for the nations,